Our Mission Statement

As a leading primary school in Alice Springs, under the Lutheran banner, our mission is to empower lifelong learners with Christ as our foundation, while developing intercultural understanding and respect to shape and enrich our world.

Enrich the mind
Enrich the mind
Enrich the soul
Enrich the soul
Enrich the community
Enrich the community
Our Vision Statement

Our Vision Statement

Living Waters Lutheran School seeks to ensure that all students, regardless of ability, can confidently reach their personal best at school and beyond.

Living Waters seeks to instil four Core Values – Service, Love, Endeavour, and Courage. This hopes to encourage all its students to go on a journey with God and experience his grace.

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School Values

Our values are explicitly taught using our School Wide Positive Behaviour approach. We have clearly identified what a Living Waters Student looks like at work and play.

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Forgiveness, humility, tolerance, respect, compassion. For Christians, the expression of love is a response to God’s love. It is a way of being that leads to inner peace. Love flows from the heart and shows itself in caring, kind and respectful thoughts, words and actions.


Forgiveness, humility, tolerance, respect, compassion. For Christians, the expression of love is a response to God’s love. It is a way of being that leads to inner peace. Love flows from the heart and shows itself in caring, kind and respectful thoughts, words and actions.


Hope, diversity, integrity, independence, commitment, enthusiasm, quality. Endeavour means persevering, believing that through God’s strength the best outcomes can be achieved. Feedback is offered that encourages growth of each child’s gifts and talents.


Independence, resilience, curiosity, creativity. It is the strength of heart that enables people to stand up their convictions to do the right thing. Courage means giving it a go, even when success is uncertain.

School Wide Positive Behaviour

Using proactive strategies to foster a positive school environment.

Learning At Play
  • Use good manners
  • Be respectful of others
  • Be respectful of school property
  • Be sale and look after each other
  • Show compassion and kindness in the classroom
  • Show love by using the 5 Ls (Look, Listen, Lips closed, Legs crossed, Hands in lap)
  • Be a good sport
  • Walk calmly and quietly to maintain learning
  • Be helpful and kind to others by including everyone
  • Be cooperative with teacher and other students
  • Lead by example
  • Helping with classroom duties
  • Help others when they need support
  • Keep the learning space and classroom tidy
  • Show respect to the person who is speaking
  • Model great listening
  • Be organised
  • Return sports equiptment
  • Help others to make the right choices
  • Report hazards or damage to teachers
  • Model how to use equipment appropriately
  • Be brave
  • Do the high 5
  • Be an Upstander
  • Be actively involved
  • Always be your best
  • Have a go and don't give up
  • Playing team sports
  • Create new friendships
  • Respect the line leaders
  • Look after the school grounds
  • Courage lo be an independent thinker
  • Return promptly to class when the bell goes
  • Be a good role model
  • Ask questions
  • Practice growth mindset
  • Actively listen and participate
  • Try new and challenging learning
  • Make responsible choices when sitting
  • Be beside those that help vou be vour best.
  • Show appreciation and encourage other school members
  • Remain on task
  • Be an independent learner
  • Try new games
  • Form lines quickly and safely
  • Pay attention to instructions
  • Be respectful of personal space
  • Agree upon and play by the rules
  • Trv to resolve problems in a positive way
Why Not Start Your Journey with a Tour of Our School?

Why Not Start Your Journey with a Tour of Our School?

You can reach us by phone, email or via the online form on our page.

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